Stress Overload


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Learn your stress symptoms, signs and outcomes.

Stress is defined as our body’s way of responding to challenges. Also, it is generally perceived as a negative condition but in real context, it only becomes negative when we take things negatively. It is only a state of mind that can be affected by outside forces, which in effect can influence both physical and mental well-being. There are many indications of stress overload.

For most of us, stress seems to be part of our daily life. However, our individual stresses differ according to how we take things altogether. In order for us to manage stress we need to first identify the things that cause us stress. Once we are aware of our stressors, we will be able to respond accordingly.

In This Book, You Will Learn:

  • Stress Overload Basics
  • Understand How You Respond To Stress
  • Cognitive Signs And Symptoms Of Stress
  • Physical Signs And Symptoms Of Stress
  • How Much Is Too Much

And so much more!